Labels:bulletin board | crt screen | dialog box | monitor | plant | sky | stairs OCR: Pre-molded bell footings Overview Testing pre-molded bell footings History of footings Development of ithe Horizontal testing: Conducted By:PSC Analytical Services Bell Footing Mechanical T esting Services Group Pre-molded bell Testing footings Review Load Measurements Results Const References ructio TEST Footing System Diam Tube Lozd Maximum [Ibs. Lozd Displaceme XEW [in] Comment- .90 footing 18 11,400 no be ark system 36 footing 18 12,100 straps on Trans sducer broke concrete in column failed .90 footing 15,000 ting pulled out o 36' footing 10,100 HEqoU system 36 footing 13. 8,100 co ncrete broke system PREY NEXT Developmen tootinas Displaoeme Comments Diame pe01 Lozc Transduce ring svstem PREV